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Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking

arzachel boosted
arzachel boosted
arzachel boosted

@kyle "If you can't fix it, you don't own it!." I applaud Purism for posting this. Moar companies need to do stuff like this. Thanks for sharing!


arzachel boosted

A three judge court in Peru has ruled that the #COVID19 #pandemic was started by the billionaires Bill Gates, #GeorgeSoros and Rockefeller.

Not long ago, an Italian politician had demanded arrest of Bill Gates in Italian Parliament. Sara Cunial, MP for Rome denounced #BillGates as “Vaccine Criminal” and urged Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity:

arzachel boosted
@arzachel At least in my country, there were, compared to the overall death statistics going back 5-10 years, no visible excess deaths in 2020. There was no excess hospitalization outside "the usual" disappearance of beds due to a deteriorating health system that ever keeps getting more expensive. So even if this virus comes out of a lab, for the record, this virus is so lame I would not say it warrants punishing anyone for it.

My Mastodon instance has been pre-blocked by FB! Advance to the next level of the game.

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