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Like Magneto? Microcrystals give magnets superpower over living cells
These iron-rich protein crystals could be the future of how scientists study nerve cells

Yes from 2007 to 2011. Joined Moderna in 2011. France is deeply involved in this pLandemic. Jacques Attali has been the story writer.

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The CEO of Moderna was the former CEO of Biomerieux who built the BL4 lab in Wuhan.

@arzachel The CEO of Moderna was the former CEO of Biomerieux who built the BL4 lab in Wuhan.

Pfizer vacx contains potassium chloride same used for lethal injection. Pfizer only specifies that is below 39mg, the problem is that when is injected into the body it is absorbed all, giving dangerous heart inflammation
Potassium chloride: a potassium salt, which increases the blood and cardiac concentration of potassium to stop the heart via an abnormal heartbeat and thus cause death by cardiac arrest.

PCR test owned by Gates and elites have made 50 trillion dollars in 2020. You can see why they continue to use the wrong test at the drop of a hat!

"All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions."

- George Bernard Shaw

deforestation in the so called times of climate change ---------

this is total plunder

from July 2020 to November 2020 here are the result in Pfiz er ongoing clinical trial. Publish to FDA in December 2020. No difference between placebo and the gene theara py

Dr. Richard Fleming, Physicist-Nuclear cardiologist - shocking statement on the spike protein

spinnerei boosted

The overgrown anchor hawse hole of the USS Saratoga sunken in the Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands.

Photo by Reinhart Dirscherl.

spinnerei boosted

Just read this, thought it was a pretty standard rant about the state of the internet today, then realised it was posted in 2011.

Downright prophetic.

"Facebook now stands as taking over a decade and a half of the dream of the World Wide Web and turning it into a miserable IT cube farm of pseudo human interaction, a bastardized form of e-mail, of mailing lists, of photo albums, of friendship."

all talk about numbers -but the 10000 dead alone in europe til novv vvere PEOPLE -NOT JUST NUMBERS - and so are all the thousands of injured -

Question - Can We Do Anything About Our Immune System So That It Surpasses a Vaccine?
If we can, then that negates Fauci, Brix, CDC, WHO, and WEC policies and their CONSTANT fear-mongering doesn't it? Read on...

This is a TX Senate hearing on Senate Bill 1669, authored by TX Senator Bob Hall

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!