Google became pure crystallized evil (duping the entire open-source community in the process) when douchebag met secretly with , planning a "whole of government response" to silence & censor for their DNC/CIA masters

"Besides the commit raising questions about Gab’s process for developing secure code, the social media site is also facing criticism for removing the commits from its website. Critics say the move violates terms of the Affero General Public License, which governs Gab’s reuse of Mastodon, an open source software package for hosting social networking platforms."

@arzachel i'm currently on 1 week ban for a month-old post that they just decided is against guidelines ... Even though it was off everybody's feed and forgotten.... Ridiculous.

Interesting wide-ranging discussion of vote stealing ops for Ukraine and Venezuela and DNC, the CIA, JFK assaination, NATO, Atlantic Council, Russiagate, Syria, Soros etc with investigative journalist Lee Stranahan .


The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!