And sometimes I post youtube links and they put an image and sometimes not.

@mahakal Sometimes it takes a while for the image to come up. Always worth trying reposting too.

See the @admin posts-- looking at other alternatives still, & this can be modded up quite a bit of course. Been very busy @ real job lately, unfortunately.

@arzachel Having real job right now seems like a fortunate thing. Yeah I am being a bit critical but it is meant to be constructive or evaluative as far as whether I would want to migrate to this platform. I wasn't saying BBSes were bad, but the feature set does not seem to be complete to match a Fido BBS either. More like a point node.

@mahakal Hey believe me I know I'm lucky, but it's currently just a contract (which is, granted, likely to get extended, knock wood)


@mahakal Did you try the "advanced view" yet? It's busy!

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@arzachel Oh this advanced view has all kinds of duplicate data, ouch.

Groups or echomail equivalent is essential feature I am not seeing.

@mahakal Something called "Lists" may actually be "Groups" but haven't investigated further

@arzachel Friendica was the thing I was trying to use in the earlier days before I gave up on them.

@mahakal Well check out those other Fediverse contenders. And I tried to tag you in some older @admin posts about Pleroma & Soapbox but y'know, FUCKING MASTODON

@arzachel Every time I try to take a full overview, I come back to waiting on Holochain.

@arzachel It's both super annoying and correct, they keep refactoring things and taking no short cuts.

@arzachel It's especially important when designing a new protocol to get things right before people adopt it, or we live with those defects forever.

@mahakal Or until we export the database, which we fully own, into something else. I dunno, this solves lots & lots of problems for me.

@arzachel Holochain is all about having your own data, and countersigning transactions.

@mahakal You know, I'll be right in line to sign up as soon as they open. Until then, I'll keep doing me.

@mahakal Also, I don't especially trust any blockchains. They've probably all been crackable to quantum computers which have been around for decades which we haven't heard about.

@mahakal Well that's a relief. Like I say, amongst the first in line.

@arzachel The thing about having control of your data is that it isn't hard to do that if you don't care whether anyone else can see or use it. LOL

I don't care much, but it's pretty easy to build something that works around this.

Could you dial back on the negativity just a teeny bit?

@arzachel I'm probably just going to go back to FB for now and if you need help or testing with anything, let me know, I don't want to discourage you at all. FB does suck pretty hard. For me it's about being able to have the conversations with people, and I hope you'll be there as well as here.

@mahakal Given the feelings you've expressed thus far, likely for the best. Feel free to drop in anytime!

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